Publications of the ZEBIK-Section "Innovative Krankheitsmodelle"

Publications 2024

Behrendt T, Quisilima JI, Bielitzki R, Behrens M, Glazachev OS, Brigadski T, Leßmann V, Schega L. Brain-Derived neurotrophic factor and inflammatory biomarkers are unaffected by acute and chronic intermittent hypoxic-hyperoxic exposure in geriatric patients: a randomized controlled trial. Ann Med. 2024 Dec;56(1):2304650. doi: 10.1080/07853890.2024.2304650. Epub 2024 Jan 22. PMID: 38253008; PMCID: PMC10810628.

Publications 2023

Teng Z, Kartalou GI, Dagar S, Fraering PC, Lessmann V, Gottmann K. (2023) A delay in vesicle endocytosis by a Cterminal fragment of N-cadherin enhances Aβ synaptotoxicity. Cell Death Discov. 8;9(1):444. doi: 10.1038/s41420- 023-01739-w. PMID: 38062019.

Leßmann V, Kartalou GI, Endres T, Pawlitzki M, Gottmann K. (2023) Repurposing drugs against Alzheimer's disease: can the anti-multiple sclerosis drug fingolimod (FTY720) effectively tackle inflammation processes in AD? J Neural Transm (Vienna). doi: 10.1007/s00702-023-02618-5. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37014414.

Publications 2022

Mol MO, Miedema SSM, Melhem S, Li KW, Koopmans F, Seelaar H, Gottmann K, Lessmann V, Bank NB, Smit AB, van Swieten JC, van Rooij JGJ. (2022) Proteomics of the dentate gyrus reveals semantic dementia specific molecular pathology. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 10(1):190. doi: 10.1186/s40478-022-01499-1. PMID: 36578035; PMCID: PMC9795759. 

Klaus B, Müller P, van Wickeren N, Dordevic M, Schmicker M, Zdunczyk Y, Brigadski T, Leßmann V, Vielhaber S, Schreiber S, Müller NG. (2022) Structural and functional brain alterations in patients with myasthenia gravis. Brain Commun. 4(1):fcac018. doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcac018. PMID: 35198977; PMCID: PMC8856136.

Publications 2021

Behrendt T, Kirschnick F, Kröger L, Beileke P, Rezepin M, Brigadski T, Leßmann V, Schega L. (2021) Comparison of the effects of open vs. closed skill exercise on the acute and chronic BDNF, IGF-1 and IL-6 response in older healthy adults. BMC Neurosci. 22(1):71. doi: 10.1186/s12868-021-00675-8. PMID: 34823469; PMCID: PMC8614060. 

Harb M, Jagusch J, Durairaja A, Endres T, Leßmann V, Fendt M (2021) BDNF haploinsufficiency induces behavioral endophenotypes of schizophrenia in male mice that are rescued by enriched environment. Transl Psychiatry. 11(1):233. doi: 10.1038/s41398-021-01365-z. 

Garad M, Edelmann E, Leßmann V. (2021) Impairment of Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity at Schaffer Collateral-CA1 Synapses in Adult APP/PS1 Mice Depends on Proximity of Aβ Plaques. Int J Mol Sci. 22(3):1378. 

Publications 2020

Kartalou GI, Salgueiro-Pereira AR, Endres T, Lesnikova A, Casarotto P, Pousinha P, Delanoe K, Edelmann E, Castrén E, Gottmann K*, Marie H*, Lessmann V* (2020) Anti-Inflammatory Treatment with FTY720 Starting after Onset of Symptoms Reverses Synaptic Deficits in an AD Mouse Model. Int J Mol Sci, 21, 8957. * shared senior authorship.

Kartalou GI, Endres T, Lessmann V*, Gottmann K* (2020) Golgi-Cox impregnation combined with fluorescence staining of amyloid plaques reveals local spine loss in an Alzheimer mouse model. J Neurosci Methods 341:108797. * shared senior authorship. 

Publications 2019

Woelfer M, Li M, Colic L, Liebe T, Di X, Biswal B, Murrough J, Lessmann V, Brigadski T, Walter M (2019) Ketamineinduced changes in plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels are associated with the resting-state functional connectivity of the prefrontal cortex. World J Biol Psychiatry: 21(9):696-710.

Publications 2018

Becke A, Müller P, Dordevic M, Lessmann V, Brigadski T, Müller NG. (2018) Daily Intermittent Normobaric Hypoxia Over 2 Weeks Reduces BDNF Plasma Levels in Young Adults - A Randomized Controlled Feasibility Study. Front Physiol. 9:1337. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.01337. 

Rehfeld K, Lüders A, Hökelmann A, Lessmann V, Müller P, Kaufmann J, Brigadski T, Müller NG. (2018) Dance training is superior to repetitive physical exercises in inducing brain plasticity in the elderly. PLoSOne 13(7):e0196636. 

Dahlmann J, Awad G, Dolny C, Weinert S, Richter K, Fischer KD, Munsch T, Leßmann V, Volleth M, Zenker M, Chen Y, Merkl C, Schnieke A, Baraki H, Kutschka I, Kensah G. (2018) Generation of functional cardiomyocytes from rat embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells using feeder-free expansion and differentiation in suspension culture. PLoS One. 7;13(3):e0192652. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0192652. eCollection 2018. 

Michels B, Zwaka H, Bartels R, Lushchak O, Franke K, Endres T, Fendt M, Song I, Bakr M, Budragchaa T, Westermann B, Mishra D, Eschbach C, Schreyer S, Lingnau A, Vahl C, Hilker M, Menzel R, Kähne T, Leßmann V, Dityatev A, Wessjohann L, Gerber B. Memory enhancement by ferulic acid ester across species. Sci Adv. 2018 Oct 24;4(10):eaat6994. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aat6994. PMID: 30417089; PMCID: PMC6224069.

Publications 2017

Müller P, Rehfeld K, Schmicker M, Hökelmann A, Dordevic M, Lessmann V, Brigadski T, Kaufmann J, Müller NG. (2017) Evolution of Neuroplasticity in Response to Physical Activity in Old Age: The Case for Dancing. Front Aging Neurosci. 2017 Mar 14;9:56. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2017.00056. eCollection 2017.

Publications 2016

Jordan W, Dobrowolny H, Bahn S, Bernstein HG, Brigadski T, Frodl T, Isermann B, Lessmann V, Pilz J, Rodenbeck A, Schiltz K, Schwedhelm E, Tumani H, Wiltfang J, Guest PC, Steiner J. (2016) Oxidative stress in drug-naïve first episode patients with schizophrenia and major depression: effects of disease acuity and potential confounders. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2016 Dec 2. [Epub ahead of print] 

Schega L, Peter B, Brigadski T, Leßmann V, Isermann B, Hamacher D, Törpel A. (2016) Effect of intermittent normobaric hypoxia on aerobic capacity and cognitive function in older people. J Sci Med Sport 19(11):941-945. 

Seifert B, Eckenstaler R, Rönicke R, Leschik J, Lutz B, Reymann K, Lessmann V, Brigadski T (2016) Amyloid-Beta Induced Changes in Vesicular Transport of BDNF in Hippocampal Neurons. Neural Plast. 2016: 4145708. 

Maass A, Düzel S, Brigadski T, Goerke M, Becke A, Sobieray U, Neumann K, Lövdén M, Lindenberger U, Bäckman L, Braun-Dullaeus R, Ahrens D, Heinze HJ, Müller NG, Lessmann V, Sendtner M, Düzel E. (2016) Relationships of peripheral IGF-1, VEGF and BDNF levels to exercise-related changes in memory, hippocampal perfusion and volumes in older adults. Neuroimage 131:142-54 

Publications 2015

Psotta L, Rockahr C, Gruss M, Kirches E, Braun K, Lessmann V, Bock J, Endres T (2015) Impact of an additional chronic BDNF reduction on learning performance in an Alzheimer mouse model. Front Behav Neurosci. 9:58. 

Silva A, Naia L, Dominguez A, Ribeiro M, Rodrigues J, Vieira OV, Lessmann V, Rego AC (2015) Overexpression of BDNF and FL-TrkB receptor ameliorate striatal neural survival in Huntington’s disease. Neurodegenerative Disease 15(4):207-18. 

Publications 2013

Leschik J, Eckenstaler R, Nieweg K, Lichtenecker P, Brigadski T, Gottmann K, Lessmann V*, and Lutz B*. (2013) Embryonic stem cells stably expressing BDNF-GFP exhibit a BDNF release-dependent enhancement of neuronal differentiation. J.Cell Sci. 126 (Pt 21): 5062-73. * shared senior authorship 

Publications 2009

Kuhlmann CR, Librizzi L, Closhen D, Pflanzner T, Lessmann V, Pietrzik CU, de Curtis M, Luhmann HJ (2009) Mechanisms of C-reactive protein-induced blood-brain barrier disruption. Stroke 40:1458-1466. 

Publications 2008

Kuhlmann CR, Gerigk M, Bender B, Closhen D, Lessmann V, Luhmann HJ (2008) Fluvastatin prevents glutamateinduced blood-brain-barrier disruption in vitro. Life Sci 82:1281-1287. 

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